
Showing posts from October, 2017

Cooper Ring Project

     The first thing I did for this project was planning out what I wanted my focal point to be. I chose a heart with the letters “LC” in it, which represent my late-papa’s initials. After my design was chosen, I began tracing and cutting out my piece from a small sheet of copper. Since this piece had to included two pieces of copper soldered together, I had to cut out two separate hearts. One of which I sawed the letters “LC” out of and I left the other plain. When this process was over, the edges of the pieces had to be filed, and beveled, and the entirety of both pieces had to besanded with all five grits. Next came soldering. First off, I took the top heart (the one with LC) and melted small pieces of solder on it before letting it sit in the pickle for 20 minutes and pumassing it after. Then I soldered the two hearts together and put the entire piece in the pickle for another 20 minutes. While waiting for that, I measured my ring size, cut 14 gauge wire to the correc...